We are thrilled to invite you to join this experience

Come to join us at an in-person event in Rio the Janeiro, at Xian, one of the bests views from the city. We co-created a very nice agenda, shared with different teams (D2C, MKT, Bees and others) to build the best summit for us, with a high beat mood and actionable content.

Our objective is to spread knowledge, inspiration and connect our community!

Take part of the D2C Global Summit 2022

Register until 09/15 and secure your spot.


YOO2 Rio de Janeiro / Brazil. Be Cariocally. Be Yoo2

Adress: Praia de Botafogo, 242
Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Please note the hotel reservation will be booked on your behalf, according to your subscription information. Payments will be made by you in the hotel reception.

Agenda Hold UP


Available soon

Available soon


Available soon

Available soon


Available soon

Available soon

Any Doubt?

Take part of the D2C Global Summit 2022. Register until 09/15 and secure your spot.



WhatsApp: +55 (21) 98849-8673

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